Network Security Service Houston
Security Vulnerability Assessment from Web Specialists, Inc.

Ever wonder how safe your business is from network security threats? How secure is your network and Internet connection? What would it cost your business if your data was compromised, stolen or erased due to poor network security? Web Specialists, Inc. in Houston can provide answers to those questions and others through its network security services. Our experts can run a thorough a security check and audit of your current network and Internet security, share the findings from our security tests, and help to fix any weaknesses identified. Web Specialists, Inc. has extensive experience in network security, has been providing network security services in Houston since 1998, and is well positioned to help your business secure its electronic assets.
Network Security Consulting
Web Specialists, Inc. can evaluate your current network security infrastructure and policies, and work with you to identify the necessary steps and tests required, and create a plan to move forward with. With our suite of network security services, we will be able to identify all of the areas of network security where your company needs to improve, and help your business to secure your assets.
Vulnerability Assessment
We will assess the overall security vulnerability of your business, including network hardware (firewalls, servers, routers and switches), workstation computer hardware, all software, and existing security policy and procedure. In addition Web Specialists, Inc. will assess offline security vulnerability, in terms of employee security risks, such as telephone security breach attempts, theft and unsafe activity. This service will result in identifying all potential security risks for your company.
Penetration Testing
Web Specialists, Inc. can launch a controlled attack on your network, computers and Internet infrastructure from our office in Houston, just like a hacker would in real life, in order to test your existing security and identify any vulnerability in your organization. This test will determine how secure your network is, the likelihood that attacks would be successful against your infrastructure, and allow us to identify areas of weakness that must be addressed.
Stress Testing
Launch a controlled DOS (Denial of Service) or DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack on your network and Internet infrastructure, just like a real attack with as many connections as desired, in order to identify any hardware or software that may be vulnerable in your organization. This test will show how vulnerable your network is to a denial of service attack, the chances that your network could be taken offline by an attack, and provide detailed information on necessary changes.
Security Policy and Procedures
Web Specialists, Inc. will evaluate your current security policy and procedures, make necessary recommendations, and create a new security policy and procedures for your organization to help ensure that you are not vulnerable. The result of this service will deliver to your business a written security policy and procedure manual, which your company can use moving forward for best security practices. Once your company has a network security policy and procedure manual in place, you will then be able to enforce such policies and procedures, thus making your business and its electronic assets much safer.
Web Specialists, Inc. Services: